Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Final Project

Nowadays plagiarism is a habit for some students in high schools and universities. In some cases this happens due to lack of time.
Therefore, what is plagiarism? Plagiarism is the practice of using others works or ideas as their own. This essay is going to be about people who plagiarize and the exact definition of plagiarism. It includes several examples with explanations and evidences and causes. It will also talk about examples of famous writers who plagiarized with the topic. It covers the plagiarism of our college and how they are spotted, and much other clarification.

Evidence and Cause 
What is plagiarism? Provide a good definition.
As everyone well knows, stealing is stealing whether it’s in a huge amount of money or an apple! All crimes have its particular punishment that a person should deal with! Plagiarism is another crime which people do not consider as a serious matter. In other words, plagiarism is the practices of abusing others hard work and time. No humankind accepts to be offended or disrespected by any manner. Thus, academic institutions should aware the students how risky and selfish it is to be in such situation.
Name two famous plagiarists in history.  What did they plagiaries?
Joe Biden, the previous vice president of the United States of America was accused of plagiarism more than once. First, he was charged of plagiarism while he was in law school. Second, he was accused of using Robert Kennedy’s quotations as his own. Third, Biden also claimed to forget to include the citation of the speech he used from Neil Kinnock the British Labor party leader by using it as his own.
Helen Keller is another famous example of plagiarism. She was the first deaf and blind person who got her bachelor degree in art. She was well known as an author, lecturer and political activist. She was once accused of plagiarism when she was still a young school student in one of her compositions.
How do students plagiaries?  Give three examples and describe them briefly
There are many situations where the students are accused of plagiarism. For example, when they use famous or non-famous quotations from any sources such as books, newspaper, and websites. Not mentioning the references is considered to be plagiarism. Paraphrasing a paragraph or a sentence with slight changes of words is also another type of plagiarizing because it is to be said that it is the same way of stealing others ideas and applying it in one’s own work! Note taking is a good way of capturing information; however, there is a right and wrong way of performing it. Plagiarism can be involved here as well if the student or the person is copying the exact words of the presenter.
Why do you think students plagiarize? 
It is very easy to get into trouble but it is very hard to get out of it. Thinking is a moral thing to do before any action. There are many reasons why students plagiarize or even think of plagiarizing. First, lack of confidence is a serious issue which many students have. It is actually a psychological problem where the student does not trust in his ability in anything they perform or produce, this causes in taking or copying others works or even asking others to do their work. Second, “waste of time” many students believe in the phrase. They do not make time for doing their academic home works because they are busy doing other things such as hanging out with friends or families, watching a match , racing , and many other things where a person can think of. It is ironic how people can manage a road trip but they cannot organize their work, this could also be called irresponsibly of one self. 
Detection and Consequences
How do teachers check for plagiarism? Give details of two methods
Teachers can know if students copied their writing or they didn’t. Some teachers give different topic for two students and if they saw that the students  have done the same topic that is usually a copy and paste, but some teachers can know that this writing is for their students or because they can know their students level in writing and what word they may use. However, if teachers find some writing almost the same, but in different way of paraphrasing teachers can know that it’s plagiarized.
Name two “plagiarism detection” products and summarize how these products work
There is software that can detect plagiarized work by using Google it looks if the work is on any other site. Moreover, there is software called Paper Plagiarism Detection Service. It detects result or research papers if they are plagiarized.
What are the consequences of plagiarism for students at HCT?
In HCT if teachers found that some students plagiarized his work it will cause him an immediate dismissal from HCT, and in his record it will be saying that he was suspended because of plagiarism.
Strategies and Resources
This column lists four methods you can use to avoid plagiarism
Students can avoid plagiarism buy taking notes in class and they must try to paraphrase everything the teacher says on their own words, and if students did a research they must not copy and paste they can read the information they looked for and then right what they understand using own words. Although some students don’t mean to plagiaries they do not mention the reference they looked up for the information. Moreover, students can use biographies and they must mention that. Students can avoid plagiarism by using these methods.
Say why students should not plagiaries.
To summarize, plagiarism is an unethical act of using or stealing other works as one’s own. Claiming others speeches or writings as your own are not a clever or smart thing to do because either ways, you are not learning anything in doing that, other than humiliating yourself! No one would ever like to be cheated or deceived. Plagiarism is a good example of cheating in indirect manner. Using others property without permission is the same thing as saying using others works without citing them! Plus plagiarism stops you from being creative and productive because you have stopped thinking! “They had their lean books with the fat of others works” (Robert Burton)

A new market is growing today. This market is selling human organs that are used for transplants. For the past thirty years, organ transplants became more common. As the demand of organs increases, there is a need for more donors. Some organs are taken from bodies when the person dies, and some organs like kidneys can be taken from living people. Many people need new organs in their bodies because of an accident or a disease or they got sick and their organs are not active as they should be in this essay I will talk about legalizing the selling of human organs, in many countries poor people sell their organs to rich people and in some other countries organs are taken from executed people, and in some countries there are some donors were they donate one of their kidneys to people who can’t afford buying a kidney or to their family members if they needed a new kidney, and now in some countries people sign an organ contract that means if they die their organs will be transplanted to people they choose or by donating the organ, and I am with the contract idea because people can choose if they want to donate or bury their organs with them.
This essay will examine
Organs from executed prisoners
Donors in India
Stops the trade in human organs
Human organs in the United States

In this essay I am with the selling of the human organs but I am explaining what is going on in some countries.

The only country that still transplants organs from executed prisoners is China. Most of these organs are sold for a high price to medical visitors.  Some doctors even admitted that they removed both kidneys from prisoners the night before they got executed. China has recently started a very hard anti-crime campaign, and the number of people who have been executed has increased, and includes people found guilty of small cases or cheating on their taxes. Experts think that China is doing this so they have more organs for sale.
The Donors in India are mainly poor people who sell one kidney while they are still alive, and the buyers are people from rich countries of the Gulf. Poor people sell to pay for surgeries, or for family needs, and some poor villagers expect that they sell a kidney to provide a dowry for their daughters, but the Indian government tried to stop the trade of kidneys in 1997 by making it illegal. But still some people trade the organs, but now it’s controlled by crime gangs. There are many stories about organ theft, some people are told they need small operations but one of the kidneys is removed.
On the other hand Brazil is same as India, but they have to stops the trade in human organs. This law is different. They don’t stop the sale of organs, instead of that they says that every Brazilian becomes a donor when he dies die, unless they got a special card that says they are not a donors. Behind this law there will be many organs available for transplant so nobody will buy one, but many ordinary Brazilian people are worried that doctors and health workers will take advantage of the law. But giving some people the card that shows they are not donors it will be hard for other people to use the law in a wrong way.
In some countries like the United States, the American Medical Association started a project of selling human organs. The AMA believes that people will not donate their organs except for their family members unless other people will pay. The AMA's idea is that people will sign a contract which promises that their organs can be transplanted after their death, and the donor can names another person which receives the money if organs are used. Even though with the AMA’s idea many doctors are with the idea.
In conclusion. I would like to say is our body parts things that we can sell or buy or are they different or special which can’t be sold. A Japanese sociologist says that people are becoming jealous from each other bodies, and many of us wants to live longer and have a healthy life. Away from that he does not say transplants are wrong, but he wants people to think more in the subject of selling their organs. In my opinion I think that selling of human organs should be legalized because some people may need new organs to continue their life but some people are just selling their organs for money without thinking about the side effect and that is a problem we should solve.

ORGAN: (n) a part of the body, for example: the heart, the brain, the kidney. 
TRANSPLANT: (n&v) surgery where an organ is taken from one person and given to another. 
DONOR: (n) the person that the organ is taken from.
KIDNEYS: (n) People have two kidneys. They are small organs in the lower part of the back. They clean waste from the blood and make urine.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: an organization that works for human rights.
DOWRY: (n) Money that parents pay to the man who marries their daughter.
ILLEGAL: (adj) If something is illegal, it is against the law; it is a crime.
'UNDERGROUND': (adj) A word used for secret criminal activity.

“organs sale.” Accessed 17 November.2009 <http://www.newint.org/easier-english/orgsale.html>
“human organs.. Accessed 16 November.2009 < www.epa.gov/scipoly/oscpendo/images/endocrine>
“organs .” Accessed 14 November.2009 <www.creationscience.com/.../Human%20Anatomy >
“human organism.”. Accessed 17 November.2009 < www.anatomium.com/fisher+fru>
Submitted to: Mr Hedley

Content Page

Page: 3…………………………………………………………………………………… Introduction
…………………………………………………………...…………… Organs from executed prisoners
…………………...……………………………………………………………...……… Donors in India
……………………………………………………………...………… Stops the trade in human organs
Page: 4………………...…………………………………………………………… In the United States
………………………………………………………………………………..……………. Conclusion
Page: 5………………………………………………………………………………………………AHS
……………………………………………………………………………………..……… Bibliography

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


What they don't tell you in cigarette ads is that they want you to become addicted. Tobacco companies keep close tabs on the number of teens who are smoking. They worry when those numbers decline because they need new smokers to replace the ones who die each day from smoking-related illnesses.

Many teens start smoking because they have friends or older siblings who smoke. Some teens look at smoking as a way to get through parties, dates, or other difficult social situations. Smoking gives them something to do with their hands and makes them feel older or more sophisticated. Some teens smoke because they feel they look too young and that smoking may make them appear more like an adult.

Some teens - especially girls - think smoking is a way to keep their weight under control. A person might think that if she has cigarettes in her hands, she's a lot less likely to eat. Others believe that a cigarette helps them relax when they're stressed out because of schoolwork, dating problems, or family pressures.

Teens often start smoking because one or both parents smoke or because another close relative is a smoker. They get the message that smoking is an acceptable habit. Others smoke because it isn't acceptable in their families. These teens may think that smoking shows that they are old enough to make their own decisions.

No matter what age people start smoking - and nearly 90% of adult smokers start while they are still teens - they never intend to get hooked. They may start by taking a cigarette or two from a friend at a party, and then go on to buying an occasional pack. Soon they realize that they can't go without that pack. They've gotten used to reaching for a cigarette first thing in the morning, after meals, or during any stressful time. They are addicted, both physically and psychologically.
It's not easy to stop smoking even if you want to. According to many experts, the nicotine in tobacco is more addictive than cocaine and heroin. One survey of high school students who were daily smokers showed that only 5% of them intended to be smoking in 5 years. But after 5 years 75% of them were still smoking. Smokers are also more likely to abuse other substances, such as alcohol and marijuana.

Even if becoming addicted doesn't bother you, the side effects of smoking may. For instance, smokers stink. Literally. The smell of tobacco lingers for a long time on your hair, your clothes, and your breath. Sniff a dirty ashtray to see what a smoker smells like to non-smokers. Smokers don't look good - not at all like the attractive people you see in ads. Their teeth become yellow, and it's hard to get the stains removed. Smokers also get many more wrinkles than non-smokers and this is only to name a few effects.

Smoking is expensive. Think of all the CDs, movies, and clothes you could buy with $1,500 each year. That's about 100 CDs if you are spending $15.00 a CD! That's what's going up in smoke if you're buying just one pack of cigarettes a day at $4.00 a pack. (And they're much more expensive than that in many places.) If you live in an area where cigarettes are $6.00 a pack, then smoking a pack a day will cost you about $2,300 a year!

Sports are an important part of many teens' lives. Smokers find it hard to compete because of the physical effects of smoking: rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath. Smokers are also more likely to miss a big game because they get more colds and flu.

It's often difficult to think several years ahead The reality is that each time you smoke a cigarette, it is costing you 5 to 20 minutes of your life. It puts you at much greater risk for heart disease and cancer. In fact, one out of every three smokers will die a smoking-related death.

If you've made the decision to avoid smoking, it may help you to have an excuse ready for the times you're feeling the pressure. If a friend offers you a cigarette, you don't have to argue - you can simply say something like "I just don't like it," or "I want to stay in shape for soccer" (or football or basketball or whatever).
Don't feel alone. In spite of what the tobacco companies would like you to believe, only about 28% of high school students smoke. That means about three out of every four don't smoke. Everyone doesn't do it.

You can also have some fun reading between the lines of cigarette advertising. Take a look at how unrealistic the ads are. Are those climbers likely to be climbing a mountain with cigarettes in their backpacks? How long will that woman have beautiful skin and gorgeous teeth if she keeps smoking? The more you think about it, the more ridiculous it is - and the less likely you are to be manipulated by these images.

If you're already a smoker and you want to stop, there is hope. Quitting is tough, but not impossible. Think about all the reasons you want to quit, and try to stay focused on them (such as better performance in sports or saving up for a car). Seek support from your family and your friends.Find a new activity - something that will fill the time (and your hands) during the times that you used to smoke a cigarette. Exercise is a good choice, and it also helps you avoid weight gain.For some people, quitting straight away is best. Others find that a slower approach works for them. There is always an excuse to start smoking, and in fact there will always be an excuse to quit.

Finally, don't get discouraged. When it gets tough, try to remember that being a nonsmoker will give you a whole lot more - more energy, more money in your pocket, and in the long run, more life to live while being healthy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

As climatologist named Jack Hall was in Antartica, he discovers that a huge ice sheet has been sheared off. But what he did not know is that this event would trigger a massive climate shift that would effect the world population. Meanwhile, his son, Sam was with friends in New York to attend an event. There they discover that it has been raining non-stop for the past 3 weeks, and after a series of weather related disasters that occurred over the world. Everybody soon realizes that the world is going to enter a new ice age, as the rest of the world population tries to evacuate to the warm climates of the south. Jack makes a daring attempt to rescue his son and his friends who are stuck in New York, who have to survive not only a massive wave, but freezing cold temperatures that could possibly kill them.
A look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Jack Hall, who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam, who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north.
When global warming causes world wide disasters and leads to an ice age, a climatologist named Jack Hall tries to rescue his son Sam who is trapped in New York. Jack must go from Washington D.C. to New York, but on the way some things happen. Can Jack rescue his son?
Professor Jack Hall, discovers that due to global warming, the polar ice caps are melting, which is lowering ocean temperatures. This triggers a massive climate shift which causes many natural disasters and eventually a new ice age. Too late everyone realizes this, and as they try to evacuate to the warmer south, for half of the northern USA, and Canada, it's already too cold to go outside. Meanwhile, Jack's son, Sam, is in Manhattan on a trip with some friends. Jack heads north to try and rescue his son, but the cold is a powerful adversary so he couldn’t help his son.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

 Hedley's tip 

Thirty years ago, Hedley, with his wife and their daughter, went to the Niah caves which are located in East Malaysia.
They set off from the capital of Brunei driving to the Sarawak border, but then they had to cross the rivers by ferry. They arrived at sunset, then they hired a small boat and sailed to a government rest house.

The next morning, they walked through the jungle for half an hour until they reached the Niah caves. When they entered the caves they saw men climbing up the caves and dropping birds nests. The nests were sold and made into soup.
Later in the afternoon, they left the rest house and drove back home. It was quite an adventure for Hedley which he would never forget.